Friday, 27 February 2009

Prelim Task

Boom! Heres MY Cable 2

When producing this video we decided that we would need to include all the props that would work with the actions we would need to film. We decided we would film in school; one of the empty rooms at the time was on the top floor. We decided this would be
 good as it had a door which Match-on-Action would work well. There were stools we could align for the sit down shot as well.

What I learnt from making this video for the task is quite a few things that I would need to improve on for the main project.

The first problem that came to us is that we hadn't really scouted out a location before shooting day so we had a problem with finding a place quick enough and also finding one that would suit a story well enough. We also noticed that when we got back to the computer there wasn't enough lighting for the shots so it was hard to see at times.


I also believe that some of the editing wasn't done very well. I couldn't find a very good door knocking sound therefore recorded my own. It gives it comedy value but this isn't the aim of the piece.


If I was to do it again I would scout out a location before hand and also make sure lighting is good. I would also vary the shots and angles to make the movie more interesting and less Amateur. I would also spend more time on the editing, finding songs on the Internet and other sound effects.


The sound quality in this task was also very poor. The camera microphone isn’t too good and to get rid of the background noise we would have to use a boom microphone attached to the camera, which we did not have. We tried re-recording the audio back at the Mac but it was hard to fit it right so we didn’t bother. In our main task we would have to learn to get a better quality sound and learn how to record audio more precisely.


180 Degree Rule - We kept to this rule when shooting the dialogue seen. This was to avoid confusion for the Audience when watching.


Match-on-Action - Two cuts that show the same action continuing on in each cut.

Shot-Reverse Shot - This shot was used in the dialogue to show the reactions of each of the characters after each part was said. It is when the camera looks at one character, moves to the next, and then back to the original character it was pointing at, usually showing a reaction to what has just been said.

Feedback gained from this clip was again, both positive and negative. Our target audience liked the editing to create atmosphere and also how the music comes in with the video clips.

Negative feedback was mainly about how we had bad lighting. We did not take White balance into effect and also how the screen on the camera is brighter than it would be on computers


Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Film Practice 1 (Micro Drama)

First film done in media....
This is our first film practice. this was to get us the idea of the Narrative theory and apply the Vladmir Propp, Todorov and Levi Strauss Ideas into film practice. We planned the narrative around these ideas by Including Propps Character Archetypes and Todorovs narrative structure. It also taught us how to use the imovie software. It is of a linear-Narrative which means it isnt jumping in time and each part follows one after the other.
We did not manage to use all of Propps character archetypes (Such as The Hero, The Helper, The Doner, The Villain/Princess' Father, The Princess..etc) because we only had two people working on the film. We were able to mix up the characters however and have the Doner and Villain as one character which gave a twist on the normal narrative structure and also included the villain.
We used Todorovs theory by having an equilibrium at the beginning, then a Dis-Equilibrium, then a new equilibrium but also mixed up the normal structure again by having it end on a Narrative Enigma (unexplained narrative).
After this production I learnt a lot. I learnt how to use the camera and also how to adapt to problems you may occur. It also gave me the knowledge of using Imovie 06 which is what we will be using in our main production.
After uploading this video onto social network Facebook we got a lot of feedback from people of our Target Audience feedback. A lot of them like the editing with the music and also took the over exaggeration of some parts well and understood the effect we were trying to give off.
Negative feedback from this film would have been the acting and also the way we created some shots as all we used was a camera an no other equipment to help support it.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

My Initial Ideas

Idea 1:  Bad Nightmares(Working Title)
Titles on black, heavy panting and heartbeat over top.
A boy is standing in a big hall in hospital pajamas, long shot of boy in distance.
Camera shakely moves up to the boy (cloes up), fast forward.
Confused facial expression
Reverse Shot to other side of hall, long shot with chair in corner, girl in chair, head down.
Chair moves towards boy direction(Up to camera) in short cuts.
Boy frightened covers face. (close up) dutch angle
Boys hand reaches for girl, Mid shot, hand comes across screen.
Face comes from other side screaming loud
Boy wakes up in bed.
Story would continue to have the boy being in a coma in a hospital. Wierd things sytart to happen to him that related to dreams when in his coma.

Age rating will be 15, TA would be around this age and up. middle youth.
Setting sports hall.
Hall will be empty, recognisable as school hall though, so basketball net or football in view. future setting in movie perhaps.
Sound will include winds, heartbeats and heavy panting

Idea 2: Gotta Run(Working Title)
Camera moving around a town, shakily, (PErsons perspective) Music over top
Titles over topView of legs, tracking shot with object runing
Close up of man looking behind, heavy panting.
Stop at wall, look around franticly.
Rests a bit, feeling safe.
Hooded figure jumps at man, shouting and cuts to end.

Codes and Convetions of Film Openings

Code and Conventions of Film Openings height="500" width="100%" > value="">    
   Publish at Scribd or explore others:            Internet & Technolog                  media              Film      

I used scribd to make this as it was easier to change the pictures around. Click on the Scribd document if you want to get to the link.


The movie i decided to analyse was Jarhead. This was because i believed it had an opening which stood out to me as being well done.
Jarhead Presentation

Coursework Task

Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite a character, with whom he/she then exchanges a coupe lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film to last a maximum of two minutes.

All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidates, with the exception of music and audio effects from a copyright free source.